Travelling with a baby can be pretty stressful for both you and your child, especially if none of you have done it before. However, there’s no need for you to worry. Many parents, including us, have gone through this on several occasions, and we’re more than willing to help.
1. Visit The Restroom Before You Go

Before going on a trip, make sure you visit the restroom with your child. Now, we understand that you can just make a baby go if they don’t feel like it, but you can use this time to check if your baby’s still dry and powdered up. If not, clean up and change them, and maybe even double down on the diaper protection if your flight or ride might take a while.
2. Bring Your Baby’s Favourite Food

We all know that children are picky eaters, but babies are experts at this. Once they acquire the taste for the things they like – it’s over for the other ones. Therefore, make sure you bring enough of your baby’s favourite food, just in case. You can’t be sure that the stores where you’re travelling to will have the exact same foods your child prefers, and believe us, that’s not something you want to take your chances with. for some baby food recipes.
3. Bring A Tablet

Some will say that tables are lousy parenting, and most of the time, we’ll agree with them, but when it comes to travelling with a baby – nothing beats a good tablet. If you have, bring two. One for your child to watch cartoons on, and the other one for you to watch movies, play games or read more blogs on about places you want to visit. It’s a win-win for everyone.
4. Get A Separate Seat For Your Baby

Whether you travel by bus, train or airplane, it doesn’t matter – always buy a separate seat for your baby. Sure, small children and babies usually travel free, and we wouldn’t want you to waste any money, but still, having that extra space will be a life-saver, trust us! Not only will you have more room for your things, but it is actually a lot safer for you to strap in your child securely than to hold it in your arms, especially if you’re flying.
5. Double-Check Your Travel Bag

The last thing you’d want is to forget some of the essentials like diapers, bottles, formula or of the other million things that your baby needs. So, before you embark on your journey – double-check the travel bag and make sure everything’s there.
6. If Flying – Protect Their Ears

Pressure changes can cause ear pain, and we all know how babies get when they’re in pain. You have two options here. The first one is having your kid suck or chew on something to ease the pressure. It can be a toy, a bottle with milk or a snack of some kind. The second one is using baby-sized earplugs, which could also come in handy.
Travelling with a baby won’t be easy. There’s a good chance they’ll be fussy for the better part, but that’s just something you’ll have to deal with. Hopefully, some of these tips will help both of you. Good luck.