Home » Why Is My Baby Nursing ALL The Time?

Why Is My Baby Nursing ALL The Time?

by Vaibhav Sharda

Baby care can be a confusing experience, particularly if you don’t have much experience with newborns. You might have a lot of questions about what baby needs, how to look after them and how to do things in general. So, if you are new to the world of babies and are looking for some information, this blog is for you.

For the majority of babies, breastfeeding is the only way to feed their little ones. But before you rush to the store to buy baby bottles or formula, do you know why your baby is still nursing so much? Your baby may be nursing more because he or she is bored.

Breast and Bottle or Breastfeeding and Bottle? Most of us know the dilemma and the dilemma is when your baby has a formula, breast milk or both? Now, we should also take a look at the way your baby is feeding. Are they using both? Are they using formula? Are they using breast milk? Are they feeding both ways? Some babies will eat formula as a baby and will then switch to breast milk and will then switch to bottle when they get older.. Read more about baby wants to nurse constantly but falls asleep and let us know what you think.

Robin Forslund, RN and Lactation Counselor, offers advice.

I was overjoyed at the prospect of having my first child. I was convinced I wanted to nurse my child. Breastfeeding would allow me to connect with my beautiful baby while also providing her with all she needed to grow and flourish. Isn’t it wonderful?!

Then the harsh truth set in. My milk production was poor, my kid was feeding all the time, and I was tired. I had no idea what was going on at the moment. I looked into cluster feeding, how frequently a baby should eat, and pumped after each nursing session to attempt to boost my milk production.

It wasn’t normal, no matter how much I wanted it to be. If you’re like me and your kid is always breastfeeding, there are a few possible explanations.

breastfeeding tips



Nursing and sucking are two activities that babies enjoy. It is engrained in them in order for them to survive. A infant who does not feed will not get the nutrients he or she needs to develop and live. However, not all sucking and nursing is done for the purpose of nourishment. Keep an eye on your baby’s food. Big sucks and evident swallows are required for nutritive sucking. Make sure their jaw moves and that there is a pause before they swallow. A swallow will have a gentle “k” sound to it. This is a really efficient feed.

Sucking Flutter

This is no longer nutritious sucking if your infant is “flutter sucking,” as you may observe at the conclusion of a meal. This is known as “comfort sucking.” If they pull off or continue to flutter suck, it’s time to stop feeding them.

When mothers tell me their baby is breastfeeding for hours at a time, this is typically what happens. Babe is typically flutter sucking and napping at the breast, which is wonderful for the baby but tiring for the mother. When they start to flutter suck, it’s OK to stop feeding them.



Cluster feeding occurs when infants breastfeed regularly for a period of time but then go without a meal for a few hours. This is not the same as a baby that has to nurse all the time. Cluster feeding occurs more often in the evenings and is typically followed by a lengthier period of sleep. It’s been described as infants “filling their tank.” This is a typical habit in infants and does not need any intervention. 

Cluster feeding occurs when your baby is content for the most of the day and then has a period of fussiness and frequent breastfeeding in the evening. For a mother, cluster feeding may be difficult. I recommend getting comfortable on the sofa with a glass of water, some food, and a favorite program to binge watch. The additional evening sessions will calm your baby and prepare them for a longer night’s sleep.



When a baby’s latch is weak, he or she is less successful at breastfeeding since they have to work harder for less. This is taxing, especially since these infants feed every hour or two. 

A tongue or lip tie, a shallow latch, or incorrect posture are all common reasons of a bad latch.

You may have a bad latch if your latch aches, your baby is loud during feeding (gulping, clicking, or smacking sounds), or your baby doesn’t appear satiated at the conclusion of their meal. If you think you may have a bad latch, I recommend getting some assistance. Make an appointment with a lactation specialist or lactation counsellor (feel free to reach out to me). They can observe a feed, track your baby’s weight growth, examine your latch, and look for a tongue or lip tie.

baby nursing all the time



You may have a low supply if your infant is constantly breastfeeding and gaining little weight, appears tired and irritable during and after nursing, and has less wet and dirty diapers. Any of these symptoms may suggest that your baby isn’t receiving enough milk and that you should visit your doctor right soon. 

Low milk production may be caused by a variety of factors, including an underlying medical condition, a bad latch, infrequent feeding, dehydration or a poor diet in the mother, medicines, birth control, or supplements. If your problem is a poor milk supply, read my next blog article, which goes through each of these problems and how to boost your milk production after you’ve been safely checked out by your doctor.

I hope this article has helped you figure out why your kid is always breastfeeding. If you believe your beautiful baby isn’t receiving enough milk or you’re experiencing latch problems, please get assistance. You are always welcome to contact me if you have any questions!

Mamas, take care!

Robin's Bio

This article was first published on The Mama Coach.

As a mother, I know that when it comes to nursing, there is no right or wrong. There are so many variables that play a role in the success of nursing, each of which are unique to each situation. I want to share with you a breastfeeding success story that I witnessed recently.. Read more about newborn constantly hungry and crying and let us know what you think.

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Can a baby nurse too much?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
A baby can nurse too much, but it is not recommended.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why is my baby nursing so long?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is a natural instinct for babies to nurse as long as they can. This is because the babys brain needs time to develop and grow, so it takes longer for them to eat solid foods.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Why is my baby still hungry after breastfeeding?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”
It is possible that your baby is not getting enough milk. Make sure you are pumping enough milk to feed your baby and make sure you are feeding your baby at the right time.”}}]}

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a baby nurse too much?

A baby can nurse too much, but it is not recommended.

Why is my baby nursing so long?

It is a natural instinct for babies to nurse as long as they can. This is because the babys brain needs time to develop and grow, so it takes longer for them to eat solid foods.

Why is my baby still hungry after breastfeeding?

It is possible that your baby is not getting enough milk. Make sure you are pumping enough milk to feed your baby and make sure you are feeding your baby at the right time.

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  • baby feeding every hour and not sleeping
  • baby wants to breastfeed constantly
  • baby nursing for an hour and still hungry
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  • newborn feeding every hour

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